Young people are placed with Step4ward 16+ transition service when they are at the stage where it is assessed that they need to develop independence skills and become increasingly self-reliant. Other reasons a young adult maybe placed with the service 16+ transition are:
- Family and Placement breakdown: this includes birth and step families, foster placements and other residential placements.
- Young people with particular behaviour and/or emotional difficulties that either make it very difficult or they choose not to live within a family setting at this time.
- Young people who have experienced homelessness and are deemed in need of support.
- Unaccompanied Asylum seekers (UASC)
Overall purpose:
Whatever the reason, all young people living at Step4ward services are unable to live full time with their families or independently, or have no family in this country. Our overall purpose is, therefore, to provide a safe, warm, nurturing and empowering environment for young people to live in and to move appropriately on from, when they are ready.
Aims and objectives:
- Step4ward services offers planned placements of short, medium and long term support to young people aged 16-21 years on admission, male or female.
- Wherever possible, we aim to help and support young people to develop independence skills to enable them to move on into their own place of residence
- Whenever a young person moves on, we can provide an outreach service to
- We aim to help young people achieve their full potential in relation to all aspects and dimensions of their lives.
- We provide a structured, stimulating, supporting and safe environment that is free from any prejudices and which offers young people the opportunity to be listened to and express their wishes, needs and feelings.
- We aim to encourage a positive sense of self-image through responding to young people’s individuality by treating them with dignity, and focusing on and reinforcing positive behaviour.
- We maintain and support young people in promoting and developing their health, educational and developmental needs in order that they can develop to their full potential.
- We aim to work in partnership with young people and all other significant relevant people to achieve the best possible outcomes for all young people.
- We run a financially incentive led approach which young people sign up to and are rewarded for getting into Education, Employment or Training. (EET)